Water Testing
Our products for water analysis are simple to use. No special equipment or facilities are needed, allowing them to be used anywhere. Follow the links below to find out more.

With Easygel®, water testing is simple. Test environmental or drinking water easily with our patented Coliscan® media, which is a patented combination of color-producing chemicals and nutrients that mark coliforms an E. coli in differing colors for easy identification. With Coliscan® Easygel, you’ll know whether fecal coliforms are present in your water. Check out the extended Coliscan® Easygel description.
Membrane filtration makes potable-water and treated wastewater testing easy. Perfect for checking large samples of liquid for coliforms and E. coli, this method detects even low levels of coliforms. The colonies will grow on a membrane filter placed on a pad saturated with the Coliscan® MF liquid medium in a petri dish. Check out the extended membrane filtration description.
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Product Comments
The Easygel technique for determination of general coliforms and E.coli in water should do away with any excuse that might exist for a lack of monitoring at designated swimming areas and other less frequently used swimming areas across the country. As a user of the procedure for the past six years I have found it to be simpler, less prone to errors, much less time consuming and just as reliable as MPN methods that I previously utilized. The technique is so simple that virtually anyone from a middle school student to a park manager could utilize it to monitor water for coliform contamination. Michael William Mullen
Director Center for Environmental Research and Service
Troy State University
Troy, Alabama